Saturday, February 3, 2018

Chasing Pianos: The Piano Music Of Michael Nyman / Valentina Lisitsa Soundtrack Collection

Chasing Pianos: The Piano Music Of Michael Nyman / Valentina Lisitsa


電影:鋼琴與他的情人(The Piano)、《奇異果夢遊仙境》(Wonderland)、《繪圖師的合約》(The Draughtsman’s Contract)、《千鈞一髮》(Gattaca)、《一加二的故事》(A Zed & Two Noughts)、安妮日記(The Diary of Anne Frank) 、Drowning by Numbers 、Carrington、The End of The Affair 、Man With a Movie Camera、The Claim 
配樂作家: Michael Nyman
演奏:Valentina Lisitsa
Chasing Pianos: The Piano Music Of Michael Nyman / Valentina Lisitsa


我第一次聽到Michael Nyman這位編曲家是在千鈞一髮(Gattaca)這部我非常喜歡的電影(看看這個部落格的名字就知道了),當時我不是很懂何謂極簡主義音樂,到了近年聽了許多極簡主義的音樂,例如:Philip Glass、Max Richter(後極簡)。等人的作品才開始了解極簡主意的魅力,透過同樣緩慢推移的模式將情緒注入其中。當然同樣的模式一直出現有時也被其他人批評。不過我覺得這類音樂有打動到我,在電影中讓情緒昇華這樣就夠了。

Michael Nyman最有名的配樂作品當屬<鋼琴師與她的情人>(The piano)這部電影了。而這張CD將這部電影中最精華的幾段配樂提取出來。至於其他電影我到是都沒聽過。


  1. The Heart Asks Pleasure First (Copyright 1993, published in Michael Nyman The Piano Collection) From The Piano 04:21
  2. Big My Secret (Copyright 1993, published in Michael Nyman The Piano Collection)From The Piano 02:58
  3. Candlefire From The Diary of Anne Frank 02:29
  4. If (Published 2005 in Michael Nyman The Piano Collection) From The Diary of Anne Frank 03:34
  5. Sheep ‘n’ Tides From Drowning by Numbers 02:32
  6. Goodbye Moortie From The Diary of Anne Frank 01:53
  7. ly Drive From Carrington 00:51
  8. Diary of Love From The End of The Affair 02:44
  9. Time Lapse From A Zed & Two Noughts 04:54
  10. Odessa Beach From Man With a Movie Camera 03:32
  11. The School Room From The Diary of Anne Frank 02:12
  12. Why?From The Diary of Anne Frank 03:59
  13. Chasing Sheep is best left to Shepherds From The Draughtman’s Contract 03:17
  14. Deep Sleep Playing From The Piano 02:19
  15. The Exchange From The Claim 02:51
  16. Here to There From The Piano 01:21
  17. Jack From Wonderland 02:20
  18. Bill From Wonderland 02:39
  19. The Departure From Gattaca 02:49
  20. Lost and Found From The Piano 03:08
  21. All Imperfect Things From The Piano 03:06
  22. The Attraction of The Pedalling Ankle From The Piano 07:42
  23. The Mood That Passes Through You From The Piano 02:36
  24. The Embrace From The Piano 02:31
  25. Silver-Fingered Fling From The Piano 05:15

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